Frimley Health said farewell to its General Surgery and Cancer Chief of Service who retired after a quarter of a century at Frimley Health. Many women have been treated for breast cancer by this esteemed and respected surgeon and many lives saved. Past and present colleagues gathered to say goodbye in fancy dress!
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Minden Day Parade, 4PWRR
I was honoured to be invited by the 4th Princess Wales Royal Regiment (4PWRR) in Farnham, Surrey to present roses to the soldiers in commemoration of the battle of Minden 1759. This symbolises an extended partnership between Frimley Health and 4PWRR who have been supporting our breast cancer charity since 2013.
Farewell Julie!
Julie Jordan has been my wonderful NHS and Private secretary since 2009 when I first joined Frimley Health as a new Consultant. We celebrated her retirement with a slap up meal at The Ivy Guildford with fellow secretaries and consultant David Gerrard. I will miss her very much, happy retirement Julie. Her successor is Debbie Cain who’s details are now on my contact page.